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As a CTO/CIO, my role is pivotal in driving revenue growth and increasing margins. Engineering does its part by providing innovative solutions, but it is not about developing technology but enabling business. My leadership is characterized by forward-thinking and creativity. I am responsible for researching and staying ahead of future technology trends and business needs. I build engineering departments that are strategic partners to the business, composed of professionals deeply attuned to business objectives, and demand a high-performance culture.


Most businesses stand on their technology, but that does not stop them from pinching themselves into corners. This paradox stems not from flaws in the business but from technology managers who may be outstanding engineers but need to be stronger leaders and assertive communicators. My career evolved along a unique path, and the outcome was that I possess both sides of the brain. You will have an engineering department that develops superior solutions, and we will get and stay out of that corner.


I have demonstrated versatility by envisioning, designing, developing, and securely operating systems in several industries and global markets. As the business grows and evolves, I will lead change effectively.


My philosophy revolves around client-centered design, but I architect generic products. They drive multiples of higher revenue.

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Quick Facts

Pivotal roles

Successful companies

Largest growth of a company

Startup founder

AI companies

Software companies

Hardware companies

Highest role

Times CEO

I am based on Earth

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