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I Help
Build Technology
[to | that] Redefine Their Futures


I am an inventor, computer scientist, and high-tech executive with experience leading companies to commercial success.

Ideas, inventions, and technology are the spark. Astute investment, the people, diversity of thoughts, and individual craftwork lead to success. It requires harmonious execution by tier-one operators across the company. In the breadth of leadership needed to build thriving ventures, I build Engineering departments that know their craft, are congruent with business goals, are good partners that enable other departments, and are held to high-performance standards.

stablediffusion, Decentralized network of nodes, None.jpg

Invent a novel architecture for Decentralized Control Systems


Grow a company from 20 to $200M

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Build a Medical AI company

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Grow a company and diversify its product portfolio

Leonardo da Vinci like ancient manuscript but using sketches of modern day electronic comp

Publications and patents.

Get in Touch

I give back to the community 10% of my work time.


  • I do not collect any information about you or inquiries, and I regularly delete the emails this form generates. However, you cannot expect any other privacy action from me beyond that. I simply do not have the time and resources to do more than that. Therefore, if this article is insufficient for you, simply do not send me a message.

  • I am invested in multiple companies in diverse fields. You are responsible for sharing only things already in the public domain. I will ignore and delete your message if I suspect a conflict of interest.

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